I love two-ingredient recipes! So keep an eye out for them, cause there will be a lot more coming your way. I shared one with you already, remember? Now here comes one with dates: A fabulous combination and one of my go-to snacks would be dates with almond butter. But if I want to be a little more fancy or if I have guests over for dinner, I combine the juiciest Medjool dates I can find with pistachios. You’ve got to look for unsalted pistachios, though. Raw is even better. I first discovered these when I was at a mall in Dubai, which doesn’t seem too surprising since those two ingredients are often used in the middle east. As soon as I entered the store, I was lost in a date-nut-heaven. There you can buy them prepared with all kinds of different nuts. I really liked pistachios the best – obviously I had to recreate these delicious treats at home.
Also: Medjool dates make a huge difference here. I first tasted the queen among dates at a market in Tel Aviv. There they had the sweetest, largest, juiciest Medjool dates I’ve ever tried – so so good!
Sometimes it’s really adding by subtracting!
Now this just makes a great desert that pretty much everyone will like and the best thing is that it’s so quick and easy to make. You could make a whole lot ahead and keep them in the fridge for an everyday snack.
Quick & dirty
[ingredients title=”Ingredients for 6 dates”]
6 Medjool dates (You could use regular dates too, it’s just A LOT better with Medjool Dates since they are really sweet and juicy)
6 tsp almond butter
[directions title=”Directions”]
- First pit the dates if they aren’t pitted already.
- Next grab a teaspoon and fill dates with as much almond butter as you like. The only limit here is the date itself.
A little more fancy

[ingredients title=”Ingredients for 6 dates”]
- 6 Medjool Dates (same as above)
- 1/4 cup pistachios, unsalted (raw would be even better) (about 35 g)
[directions title=”Directions”]
First chop the pistachios roughly. Then pit the dates if the aren’t pitted already.
Cut them open a little more on one side and fill with pistachios.
Enjoy while imagining yourself in a 1001 Nights setting.
Now I’m off to another date – one with a fairy-tale bazar. No, seriously! It’s in Munich, though.
Let me know how you like your dates best!